
Monday, January 22, 2018

My Morning Shall Come!

Photo by: Lorenzo C Spencer

My Morning Shall Come!
You must look beyond your current situation, and you should start praising God right now. I know that it might look like you are not overcoming your current situation but you are. Jesus has already made a way for you to escape. You must trust and believe in his answer.  Most of us know that faith without works is dead. Are you listening? Are you moving in God’s Will for your life? I know that we might get frustrated because we sometimes can’t see how things are working out in our life for our good. Believe me when I say that, “it is” because God is sending angels and sending people your way to help you out. Your situation might be painful right now or hurtful right now but the joy of the Lord comes in the morning. Pray and Praise God until your morning comes! Believe in Jesus that your morning will come and it will come. Your morning might be instant. Your morning might be right now. Your morning might be later, but it will come.

Jesus I praise you because
You are my strength
You are my light
Jesus I praise you
Even though things don’t seem to be working out for me right now
I praise you
Because you have sent people and angels to assist and help me out
You are orchestrating miracles on my behalf
Jesus I praise you
Jesus I praise you
Because I don’t have to be consume with the troubles of this life forever
Jesus I praise you
Because you are uplifting my burdens right now
Jesus I praise you
Because you are destroying yokes on my behalf right now
Jesus I will praise you through my storm
I will praise you when I am out of my storm
Jesus I praise you
Because I know that you are the true light
So as long as I pray and praise you
My morning shall come

Psalm 30:5
For his anger lasts only a moment,
    but his favor lasts a lifetime;
weeping may stay for the night,
    but rejoicing comes in the morning.

Holy Spirit Inspired / Lorenzo C Spencer

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