
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Peace Be Still

Photo by: Lorenzo C Spencer

It is awesome to know that we serve a God who can rebuke the wind.  Jesus said, “Peace! Be still!” and then the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. Surely, Jesus can calm the winds that blow in your life today. I am talking about those troubles that seem to keep on forcing their way into your life like a perfect storm. Jesus can speak those same words into your life “Peace! Be still!” and those winds must cease immediately. You too can enjoy a great calm in your own life! Are you experiencing any straight line winds right now? I am not talking about those winds that are meant for us to grow. There are some winds that blow the leaves and help some trees carry their seeds. There are other winds that disturb your sanity.  You could have been rooted in the thoughts of having a perfect life until an unforeseen storm comes your way.  That storm may only rage for what may seem like 10 minutes, but it could cause major damage to your thoughts of having a perfect life.  It is amazing on how something so strong like a fully grown tree can be uprooted by the wind. A straight line wind could uproot trees that were planted in the ground for years. So if you are a mature Christian, then you might feel the effect of such winds from time to time. You must always remember that Jesus can speak to any storm in your life and it must obey his voice.


Mark 4:39

And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.



Lord, I ask you to calm the winds in my life

Lord, let all of my unnecessary issues cease

Lord I pray that Peace be Still

So I can enjoy your peace that surpasses all understanding

I know my storms and straight line winds must obey your voice

I ask those things in your name Jesus


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